Monday 2 February 2015

Discover yourself, Your Goal and your unlimited Potential

This world has been created by the people who dared to dream and believe in possibilities. All inventions, discoveries and achievements in human civilizations are results of believers and strivers. The creator created the hardware but delegated the responsibilities of developing software to human beings. Hence every human being is born to succeed and grow to no limit. This is because success of every human being is the success of the creator himself. Whatever good or bad you believe in and you try for, you will succeed in.

All you need is to discover yourself, the reason you were born and the inherent potential within you to achieve anything in life you desire. Many people feel as if they're unanchored in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. This happens with the people who do not focus on the purpose of their Life and just keep moving on in a murky path of an imprecise destination. And this happens to many of us. The key reason is that people don’t spend enough time in solitude to understand the purpose of their life, what they want from life, and do not set for themselves formal goals. After all, would you set out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination? No!

If you want a positive outcome from your goal setting, you need to be specific as to what do you want? When do you want it? And how will you achieve it? And why you want to achieve it? You cannot get result from yourself till the time you become specific about a deadline. These two questions ‘What’ and ‘When’ must be supported by a clear answer for ‘Why’. The answer for ‘Why’ will give you strong motivation and enthusiasm for your efforts. This makes you clear about the choice of goal and keeps you connected with the tastes and glories of your goal. For example if someone motivates you to climb mountain for 5 km without giving answer as to ‘Why’ are you supposed to do the same, you will not be able to go even a few meters purely because you would be struggling finding a purpose behind this act. On the other hand if you have reasons, tastes and attractions connected to your mountain climbing you will forget all difficulties on the way and reach the top of the mountain with all enthusiasm and spirit. Write down in a paper and read every day, and make commitment to yourself that no matter what hurdles would come your way, you will reach to your destination on the particular timeline you have specified for yourself. Every time you read your goal statement you must do it religiously with a peace of mind and run it through your mind and internalize it in your subconscious mind through repetitive thinking about the opportunities of realization of your potential attached with it.

Then finally comes the question ‘How’. This is the technique of achieving your goal that you may call ‘Art of Success’. This is where you have to assess your existing potential and upgrade it to the desired level. You have to sharpen your skills in order to match with the expectations of your goal.

You must spend some peaceful time to develop your consciousness towards yourself. If you have desire to accomplish something in your life but fear and doubt comes on the way, you must understand that some wrong conditioning has happened in your mind towards your goal. Therefore, before moving ahead with your efforts, you must try to come out of that wrong conditioning and reprogramme your mind with realization of your actual potential and strong belief system. The real thrill is not in doing something that you find easy but in doing something that seems difficult. It does not take more time to follow a bigger dream than a smaller one. Therefore you should never hesitate on creating a dream as big as you can.

Goal setting is very crucial in human life. Without a clear goal life is worthless. We are different from other animals because we can dream and we can follow our dreams. But these dreams are meaningless till the time these become objectives of our life. As former President of India Shri Abdul Kalam says,” dream is not one that you see while sleeping but that you see when you are awake and that does not allow you to sleep.” Only this kind of dream can become goal. However, in relation to your goal, you must ask yourself following questions seriously and contemplate on them.

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